The head is always the last component I save up for the entire build. ^^ And the fierce image of Legend Gundam through its crown and vent-less face as mentioned in Part 1 is going to be something I like very much. ^^

Parts for the head

Foil sticker for the eyes and head sensors.


And that's fierceness right there! ^^

Completing everything with the backpack mounted.
Done, and a whole bunch of images of the completed model: ^^

Action poses next. ^^
Ngee his works are perfect and very detailed. But I hope you can get a better background for your pictures ^ ^
Only one application for a big fan of yours. I hope more dynamic pictures and a better background
Obs: Sorry for my bad english. I'm still learning how to speak english and i still need to use google translator ^^'
That means now you'll do the Cyclone Joker? XD
Thanks for your comment, but to tell you the truth, I never bothered about the background of the images really. I'm not really into photography. My motivation is really just trying to get the photos of as much details as possible I did on the finished model captured. I'm using phone camera for all the photos so far if you can believe that. ^^;
Action poses of 1/100 Legend Gundam will be up next after HGUC Sinanju. ^^
MG Figurerise 1/8 Kamen Rider W Cyclone Joker has been pushed tp after HGUC Sinanju.
Hi, you are my heros, I've just started to assembly the Legend gundam as per your job. I've only one question: did you paint in light grey or white all the parts or did you keep the original grey?
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