Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nendoroid Saber Lily Part 1

The white princess

Putting aside my Gunplas at hand to review on this cutie: ^^ Nendoroid Saber Lily.

Never watched the anime, never played the game, but I like the character of Saber Lily very much. I do like Saber in her original blue outfit, but the white Saber Lily version is somewhat more refreshing in design for me. And having in mind that I said so with Nendoroid Saber Super Movable Edition pre-ordered for quite some time already actually.

This Nendoroid was released in October last year, but the main focus at that moment was Good Smile Company's 1/7 scale figurine version. ^^ That was one seriously hot release. I think people started saying, "Good luck finding a new one." to those who are interested in that figurine in November, 2 months after she was out. Hardcore fans have both versions complimenting each others I suppose. Being someone who is not really into the figurine world, I only have this Nendoroid release ^^

Comparison with Miyuki.

Purple backdrop.

Comes with 2 types of sword with unbelievable details.

2 types of option face part with totally moe expression.

3 option arms plus 2 option hand unit.
One curved option leg is also included.

An introduction on the weapons and accessories of this little figure in the next posting.


Anonymous said...

If I'm not wrong, there will be a reissue of that PVC figure, plus the non-armored version is available now I think. Good luck getting the PVC if you're still interested.

LEon said...

The expression of these lily saber is cute actually.

tc012009 said...

Saber Lily is super cute, really looking forward to seeing the weapons and accessories.

I'm currently waiting on the newly released Saber Movable Edition to arrive in the mail (its my first Nendoroid).

Projecteae said...

I'm waiting on my movable saber nendo as well ^^. I'd love for a movable saber lily nendo to be made.

Ngee Khiong said...


Successfully avoided the poison of the figurine version (luckily ^^).


Indeed. All the expressions are very nicely painted. ^^

>>tc012009, C.R.

Same here. I'm eagerly waiting for that to come in myself. Having Saber Lily means I can swap the face parts between the two versions without any "out-of-character" consideration. ^^ All Nendoroid figures can have their expression swapped between each others I think.