My MG Sinanju is here!! ^^
Along with HG 1/144 Mr. Bushido's Customized Ahead too.
I'm really quite obsessed with MG Sinanju Ver. Ka actually. I believe it was the Gunpla which received the most coverage on my blog. From the false rumor back in March last year, to NeoGrade's resin conversion kit not long after that, till its official announcement in late September, and all the big and small reports about it that followed.
And now it's in my hands. Muahahahahaha XD

More information about Sinanju and several other MSs from the story at the bottom of the box. Too bad I can only look at the picture ^^;

The all too famous golden foil sticker & water slide decal & dry transfer decal set. The size is comparable to the instruction manual.

Comparison of the different boxes' heights, quite a trivial information here XD

Super bonus: Comes with a red plated coin, complete with it own special box! ^^
Never expected it in the first place. Wuhhuh~ ^^
The one offered at Gundam Expo Hong Kong 2008 was in gold. This one is in red.
All in red, the mood is all set for the upcoming Chinese New Year XD
w00t congratulation Ngee :D
I'm looking forward for your build, it's been a while right since your last review, the last one was AcGuy wasn't it?
Thanks ^^
I'm quite embarrassed about the last review being MG Acguy actually, because that was done more than a year ago, and a blog which started on reviewing Gunplas had been void of any such review for such a long time ^^;;
I've been collecting the items on my list for the past year, and now I'm about to complete most of them. I enjoyed that very much, the feeling of having so many Gunplas at my hands, haha XD
Just my own thinking ^^;
I wrote up a few parts of reviews as drafts already. Bits here and there, all shifted from the main blog to this new one. Will be releasing them one by one soon. But terribly sorry for the long wait.
That's a really red day for you there! ^^
Looking forward on your reviews on various gunpla~
Glad that you are over-joy with you new collection =)
woot! gratz!
are you gonna paint the gold part or just foil sticker them?
CRAP!!! i didn't get the coin! hiks
Can you let me know how you like Mr. Bushido's Ahead? I'm considering getting it myself... Yesterday I got my 1/144 HG 00 Gundam (check out my blog for a rant of love, haha)... It was my first 1/144 model in YEARS and I've forgotten how fun the little guys are, so I wanted to get a few more (just ordered Cherudim, plan to eventually have a complete Gundam team).
I just was curious how nice Bushido's Ahead was since I kinda hate the original Ahead. I'm somewhat torn on whether to get one or just wait for the Masurao. Currently I'm thinking Masurao since I have a bit of a love affair with Flags, but still, was just curious of your opinion in it.
I like fierce-looking MS, and Mr. Bushido's Ahead does look quite menacing to me. ^^ Its size is much larger than 00 Gundam as well. NOt just taller, but fatter too. XD You can have a look at the last picture on Dalong's review on this kit. For 200 Yen extra as compared to 00 Gundam, this Ahead is quite a good bargain.
I don't like the original Ahead because its chin makes him looks like he's smiling all the time. Not so cool ^^;
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