All action poses of 1/100 Gundam Nadleeh in this posting.

With Action Base 1 Celestial Beings Ver..
Even with Gundam Virtue's armors all removed, I'm still very conscious about the joint issue as mentioned in Part 12, since the joints used to support all the poses are still the same. In that sense, the wrist joint is especially heavy-duty. With or without the forearm arms, it's still one ball-type joint on a polycap part to support all the handheld weapons. ^^; The beam sabers shown above are nothing really, but it's a completely different case with the handheld GN Cannons detached from the backpack. ^^;

Configuration for the GN Cannons is very simple: extend the cannon barrels with the tabs and pull out the handle.

Not as heavy as Gundam Virtue's GN Beam Bazooka, but each cannon still has considerate weight for the wrist joint to carry. ^^; They certainly don't look that heavyweight when mounted on the backpack (thanks to the stoppage point inside the cannon's arms mentioned in Part 10), but they certainly are on Gundam Nadleeh now. ^^;
Also, as mentioned in the previous posting, I didn't change the V-Fin at all. It's still the larger type from Gundam Virtue. ^^;

As compared to Gundam Virtue, the flexibility of the joints is very obvious on Gundam Nadleeh. The waist, hip, knee and ankle certainly don't look any less agile than the design on 1/100 Gundam Exia, Gundam Dynames and Gundam Kyrios. Special emphasis should be given to the waist joint, since it's unavailable on Gundam Virtue. ^^;
More action poses from Gundam Nadleeh in the next posting, which will be the last one for this review series. ^^
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