My latest purchases for these two month: ^^

HGUC Gabthley, MG Gundam Spiegel, 1/1 HoiHoi-san from Kotobukiya, Mechanic Collection Mazinger Z with God Scrander and 1/100 Providence Gundam.

Pre-ordered HoiHoi-san the moment it was listed, and had being waiting for her to arrive ever since ^^

She's going to be the "funniest" model kit I get to build I believe XD

Rather comic-like font type used in the manual.

Hoi-Hoi-san's face different face expressions, which look quite creepy before assembly to me ^^;

Not many parts for the whole kit, but parts like the hair and dress make the box really big because of their size. ^^;

An angry plamo part there XD

Weapons need to be painted. And the polycaps look like that from BB Senshi Sangokuden as well. ^^

Like the eyebrows, HoiHoi-san's designation code is printed on her dress. Water slide decals for these marking are included as a sheet as well.

I show my support for SEED VS Astray by buying

Special prize campaign this year which I didn't know about: 4 types of clear sticker sheet from Gundam SEED/Destiny.

The transformation gimmick of Mechanic Collection Mazinger Z with God Scrander is the most tempting factor for me to make the purchase. ^^
The arrival of Gundam Spiegel completes my array of MG "Fighting Action" series. I didn't appreciate it that much when it was released, which was like ages ago now that I think about it. Having built almost the same frame for God Gundam, Shining Gundam and Master Gundam in a few months time back then made Spielgel seemed almost repetitive for me, at least for the frame, so I didn't buy it when it was out. I looked for it years after that but just couldn't find it at all, up until recently of course.
For the same reason, maybe years from now, I would go out and find the like of MG Strike Rouge, Zaku II Ver. 2.0 "White Ogre" and a few other kits similar to what I have right now. ^^
HGUC Gabthley is the same case as Gundam Spielgel actually, except that I have been looking for it every since it was out in 2005, and boy was he hard to find. ^^; Some of the HGUC Gundam Zeta kits during that time has the best display base design included, which allows option hand units and beam sabers to be attached to the bottom of the base when they are not in used. It made displaying those kits very convenient, since you don't have to find the box for the parts to swap with the model. They can be put together with the base.
Now with HGUC Nu Gundam put aside, I have started working on some new Gunplas actually, super-duper humongous MG I never really mentioned about in the past (Hehe ^^). I'm very tempted to build HoiHoi-san straight away actually, since she's just so adorable. For the fun factor, I'll leave her on the shelves first, waiting for the time when I really have the heart to enjoy the hobby ^^
Can't wait for the review on HoiHoi-san. Hope Kotobukiya has improved.
Nice haul, got to get me a HoiHoi-san
nice hunting...
looking forward to ur gabthley buildup (:
i think the providence will dissapoint you slightly since its not really comparable in to what we've gotten from the new 00 HG's but its still an intimidating kit <:
If I can get you to Hong Kong, I'd love to show you the shops that you can buy the gunpla at your free will XD
Didn't know that Hoi Hoi-san's box is about the same as other 1/100s. Interesting that you got Providence too. Looking forward to know what the "humongous MG" is (don't tell me it's the Ex-S Gundam ^^;).
May be is MG Perfect Zeong?
Because that's "humongous". right?
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