Leaving MG Infinite Justice Gundam for a while (again ^^;) to work on another Gunpla that is relatively easier. ^^

Starting on 1/100 Gundam Exia, or rather, finishing it after the end of the All Exia Project more than half a year ago ^^;
Half a year ago is awesome XD
In terms of purchase order, 1/100 Gundam Exia isn't the first from "Gundam Double O" on my first actually. It's No. 3 after 1/100 Gundam Kyrios and Gundam Virtue. However, looking at this particular kit right now, to start on Gundam Exia when the last design version of it (maybe) - 00 Qan[T] from the movie has been made into a MG kit and is already released, that time lapse is ultimate XD
Anyway, this is still a very good kit in my opinion. Some of the design features were ahead of its series when it was released, and looking at what we got for the 1/100 scale series from the second season of the anime, I would definitely say that Gundam Exia is among the best releases in that plamo line. Tieren Ground Type is my pick for No. 1, but I'll save my comments till the time when I actually build it.

Introduction of the kit on the side of the box.

Construction manual.

The head design as shown on the back of the manual. The cheek is not painted.

Huge difference between the designs as seen in the anime and for this 1/100 scale Gunpla version done by Kanetake Ebikawa.

Parts that are already painted and panel-lined from my All Exia Project.

Runner A - Contains white, red, yellow and clear parts that are not categorized on any single component.

Section of clear parts from Runner A with their rear sides painted using green highlighter since mid April last year.

Runner B - Contains white parts mainly for the weapons.

Runner C - Contains white parts mainly for the legs.

Runner D - Contains gray parts mainly for the weapons. The blade portion of GN Sword comes from this runner.

Runner E - ABS runner that contains most of the joint parts for the entire kit.

Runner F - Contains gray parts for the legs.

Runner G - Contains the blue parts for the entire kit.

Runner H - Soft rubbery runner containing all the GN Stripes, and the 4 beam sabers/daggers.

Foil sticker sheets.
Most of the "harder" components, especially the head and GN Sword were already done since a long time ago. What remains now are the panel-lining and painting for all the other parts, which won't be too difficult I believe. ^^

Very happy to see this kit finally return to your blog ^_^ ! It is a very good kit and I think it looks just as good as the MG but in a different way. Bandai did a very nice job with parts separation and adding just enough internal detail. The 1/100 Exia could stand next to some of the old MG series and feel right at home, I think.
Yay! Exia.
this is was my first 1/100 Gunpla LOL i love it!!!!
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