Saturday, August 20, 2011

S.I.C. Vol. 54 Kamen Rider Ixa and Dark Kiva Part 7

"Rise Up!"

A very obvious connection to Kamen Rider Kiva's Fuestle sound effect there. ^^

Before moving on with HCM-Pro Cherudim Gundam, more images of S.I.C. Vol. 54 Kamen Rider Ixa and Dark Kiva that was left unfinished since Thursday.

Kamen Rider Dark Kiva with Jacorder

Since there's a special right hand unit that is made with the Ixa Knuckle, the original one on the belt itself doesn't accommodate the hand unit trying to reach into it at all.

All done via part-swapping, so a bit of imagination is needed when the part is released from the belt. ^^;

Should have used the Save Mode's head unit instead, since Kamen Rider Ixa in Burst Mode uses Ixa Calibur to unleash its finishing move instead.

Limitation of the shoulder armors is restricting the strength of Kamen Rider Ixa's punch greatly ^^;

Kamen Rider Dark Kiva on the other hand, is all cool with his Snaking Death-Break finishing move though. ^^

I prefer the mighty Zanvat Sword over Jacorder for Kamen Rider Dark Kiva. The design of the sword compliments the rider's feel better I think.

Still having quite a lot of fun with this S.I.C. set, ^^ but before even more action poses from these two, I'll be returning to the much smaller HCM-Pro Cherudim Gundam, which doesn't have anything to do with Kamen Rider at all. ^^

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