The last posting for MG Char's Gelgoog Ver. 2.0 already. ^^
More action poses after the previous posting.
The actual box art image. ^^
That Core Booster piloted by Sayla Mass - the target Char's Gelgoog is trying to hit with his beam naginata must come from your imagination though. ^^;
Size comparison with another two "relevant" Gunplas:
With Char's Zaku II Ver. 2.0.
While the size difference is apparent (d'uh~ ^^;), The molded colors are exactly the same. ^^
With the first MG Mass Production Type Gelgoog.
I don't have the Char's version, so this mass production type will have to do. ^^;
Except the rear skirt armor, it's amazing to see how close the overall design is for the two with 11 years in between their respective releases. ^^ When Zeta Gundam Ver. 2.0, Zaku II Ver. 2.0 and later Gundam RX-78-2 Ver. 2.0 came out, their designs received a total update as compared to their respective predecessors, so drastic were those changes their proportions no longer bear any resemblance with their initial releases. ^^ For Gelgoog on the other hand, the height is about the same, the armors' sizes are about the same, as with the weapons - at least the twin beam saber and shield shown in the images above.
However, in terms of the inner frame, Ver. 2.0 is way ahead of its predecessor. ^^ For Ver. 1.0, many of the armors are large in size but exceptionally thin in contrast. The shoulder armors for example, they are nice one-piece parts (just like those on Ver. 2.0), but there's no frame inside them at all, which made them feel like empty cases that are put on just for intimation factor. ^^; Same can be said about the legs, where the inner frame is exceptionally thin as well.
Image of Char's Gelgoog (Ver. 1.0) on the right is from Hobby Search.
Image of Mass Production Type Gelgoog (Ver. 1.0) on the right is from its Photobucket album.
Char's Gelgoog Ver. 2.0 with Mass Production Type's beam rifle.
No problem at all. ^^
Mass Production Type with Char's Gelgoog Ver. 2.0's beam rifle.
The trigger guard is too wide for the index finger to reach it.
While holding it is not a problem at all, he can never pull the trigger XD
11 years passed since the first MG Gelgoog came out, and with a price increase of 50% of the first release, I'm really glad with all the goodies put into Ver. 2.0's redesign. ^^ Its bulkiness is now matched with the inner frame's compactness and solidness, which is great to see. The usage of ABS parts for its inner frame helps to improve the sturdiness in performing and sustaining action poses, a "definite" benefit that characterizes all Ver. 2.0 releases. ^^
While the weakness of the knee joint is apparent, it's not enough to rule out other awesome points of this kit. It's such a huge model kit that looks good even without any action poses. Its size is its biggest attraction, at least for me it is. ^^
By the way, it's just a very rough comparison between Char's Gelgoog Ver. 2.0 and the Mass Production Type Ver. 1.0 this time as the "real" one is reserved for Ver. 2.0 of the latter. Given that both those two kits are based on the same MS, their comparison would be much more accurate and relevant. ^^
All reviews on MG Char's Gelgoog Ver. 2.0:
Part 1: Lucky No. 99, or unlucky No. 99?
Part 2: Big cups and small cups
Part 3: Panel lining and painting combo
Part 4: The cages
Part 5: Slowing down a lot
Part 6: La-la-la-la ... char-char-char-char ...
Part 7: Random fitting
Part 8: Contemporary treatment for a futuristic car
Part 9: Super mighty humongous giant parts
Part 10: Another wide smiley face appears
Part 11: Mega size contrast
Part 12: Size domination even before the whole thing is done
Part 13: Compensation for the limited knee articulation?
Part 14: Gelgoog Kick!
Part 15: Those beautiful but poor legs
Part 16: What a small eye you have
Part 17: The trump feature
Part 18: Pink action
Part 19 [Final]: Size is all that matters
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